This is a piece of art that I did for my Dad for Christmas. It depicts our direct ancestors, from left to right, Captain Jacob Cossairt, Co. I, 8th Missouri State Militia Cavalry Regiment, US and of course, 2nd Lieutenant Joseph G. Lewis, 8th Missouri Cavalry Regiment, Cos B & A, CSA.

You'll note the Missouri Battle Flag, or Price's Flag, above Joseph. Not sure exactly what flag he went under, but he was a part of Price's Raid in late 1864. At any rate, it is known as the Missouri Battle Flag. So it works. Maybe, Mr. Jim McGhee, you can comment further on this...
2nd Lt. Joseph G. Lewis, Cos. B & AIn this picture, you can see the grain of the myrtlewood under neath. The piece is a mixed media, done with India Ink and acrylic paints. It is kinda in between a sketch and a painting. I can do these fairly quick (it took about 8 hours to do). A full painting or drawing takes a long time. I get bored with that. Most folks get the gist from a simpler piece anyhow. So the extra effort is wasted in my opinion.
Captain Jacob Cossairt, Co. I, 8th Missouri State Militia Cavalry Regiment, US