All aboard!
This was a fun event at La Porte, IN. You can see the pics below, as well as view this video that my wife Bethany made of a few clips from the Hesston Steam Museum Civil War event. It was a lot of fun. We ran the scenarios back and forth about every half hour. First, the Confederate forces would stop the train by force and capture the gold. Then the Union forces would return the favor. The spectators had a great time it seemed. It was a beautiful farm that housed the steam trains and various old tractors as well. I highly recommend your visit if you are near Northern Indiana/Southwest Michigan.
Here the engineer is making final checks on the engine for the day.
This was the common view for the spectator on the trip out.
Here are the Yanks returning after a successful capture of the train, its cargo of gold, parole of Confederates soldiers, and hijacking of the passengers.

Jacob was asked towards the end of the day to be the flag bearer. He looks a lot like some of those old time pics of young boys as drummer boys and such.
This was a fun event at La Porte, IN. You can see the pics below, as well as view this video that my wife Bethany made of a few clips from the Hesston Steam Museum Civil War event. It was a lot of fun. We ran the scenarios back and forth about every half hour. First, the Confederate forces would stop the train by force and capture the gold. Then the Union forces would return the favor. The spectators had a great time it seemed. It was a beautiful farm that housed the steam trains and various old tractors as well. I highly recommend your visit if you are near Northern Indiana/Southwest Michigan.

Here is Joe giving a flower to his sweet mother!

Here Jake is posing with his dear 'ol Dad.
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