Our most recent event was at
Caesars Creek Pioneer Village between Dayton and Cincinatti just west of Interstate 71 via State Route 73. It is a great little set up there of restored cabins and such of early settlers. Merle and I were really the only ones representing the 5th Texas Cavalry. There were a couple of other fellas, but they were busy playing Generals Lee and Grant. This was our first event in Ohio...and we've only been here for about 3 weeks at this point! I got all our gear out of storage the day before we went, that is how fast we got into it in our new home area.

Here I am proudly standing next to the Battle Flag. I was heavily armed to defend it out there on the battlefield! I was carrying (2) borrowed '51 Colt Army pistols (.45 cal) and my '51 Colt Navy Sheriff (.36 cal).

This is myself with Merle Collins. He invited me into the 5th Texas Cavalry. His support has been invaluable. Without his knoweldge, and generous use of his horse, Chic, and the tack, extra revolvers, traps, etc....I wouldn't be able to do a cavalry impression at this time. Thanks for making a dream come true for me, Merle!

Here is Bethany and I in front of our Battle Flag. Look at all those pistols...phew! I'm sure our buddies in the 26th NC would be greatly impressed! (a little bit too mainstream for them...but it sure was fun to fire a ton of shots from horseback!) I like this pic of us a lot. Only the little .36 cal '51 Colt Navy Sheriff is mine. I plan to get a Remington with additional cylinders to change out while on the field in addition to my Sheriff. I might also get a Colt Walker too, just because they are so dang cool!

Dead Yanks in the ravine...that is always a good thing! But as Joe would say, 'the Yankees didn't win the War, they just win on Sunday!' Merle and I only observed from the top of ravine as we were on horseback in a dense and rugged forest area. This was one of two operations on Saturday afternoon.

What a beautiful day it was...perfect weather for anything, especially a reenactment. Here is our infantry behind the picket fence. There probably were another 100 Confederate foot soldiers and a few cannons around to the right of the fence. The Yanks charged across the field and were decimated by our artillery pieces and the fire of the men. They were a bit 'too' decimated as they all died...quite hokey! But the crowd had fun and seemed to enjoy themselves, and that is the main thing.

Here is Jimmy wandering around our campsite - our home away from home!

Here is Jimmy in typical form...He looks tired there, doesn't he?

Bethany soothing a poor, hurt Jimmy.

Here is Jake kickin it around camp and climbing an apple tree he was not supposed to climb. He just goofed off and had a good ol time!

Here is Tom vanquishing a foe...of some sort. I guess he is beating down the pioneers here or something! That looks a lot like Joe there getting the business end of that stick from Tom!

Here is Tom hanging out with his buddy who we liked to call 'Johnny Appleseed'.

This is classic Eme...she always manages to find friends!

Isn't my little Eme Pie so pretty?!!

Joe is always on the move and difficult to pin down for a good shot. He is often in the mix of kids, but always quietly. We like to call him the 'silent destroyer' at home, because he is stealthy when tearing up something that he shouldn't be touching. But he often has guns that he likes to carry around at events. And he likes to run with the older kids whenever he can.

And of course, Jim likes the pistols too!

Here are all the kids in typical action (except Eme...she is hanging somewhere with her girlfriends!). There is usually another kid or two to be on hand with our gang.

This is, as you may imagine, tough on Mom. You should she how tired she looks at the end of the day!
Here are some very poor quality pics of me on Chic, but that is all I have for now.
Merle is atop Travers, a beautiful, but honery gray Tennesse Walker. Merle is doing a field repair on the stirup I broke by not knowing what I was doing out there on Chic. You can kinda see Merle's wife Jeanne holding the horses still while he cuts leather with a big Bowie Knife. I was just waiting for Travers to jump and me to get a Bowie knife to the gut!
Here is the beautiful Chic. She is training me up to ride real nice! Chic is a quarterhorse, and obviously a 'sorrel' color as they say. I borrow Merle's "McClellan" style saddle. After the battle, Merle and I practiced a bit more and I finally got the 'holding on with your knees' part I think! I also got where I wasn't confusing Chic with commands. She is neck reigned, and will be great to ride as I get more practiced.
Pretty pictures Brent. Looks like you were having a great time and the kids were all doing well, but poor Bethany looked real tired and Jimmy too! Horseback riding is like riding a bike. Once you get the hang of it, you'll ride like a pro! Relax and have fun! Like your new website.
Take care, Dad
Looks like you guys had fun. Pretty cool.
That looks like so much fun! I miss riding. One of these days before it gets too much colder, I need to take Diana and go find someone who'll let us ride.
Nice costumes guys! Those look awesome by the way.
Yep, it is a lot of fun. And I'm getting the hang of it for sure. You definitely should go ride out at that ranch Lexington if you can. Maybe another time when we are all there?
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